just came back from Australia not long ago,
had lots of fun there,
the day i reach Australia it was a sunny day, but the weather there is much much more cooler then Singapore.
the people there are much more friendly then us
had a tour a Sydney, went to the Opera House. it was damn beautiful.
and some other place but can't really remember all.
at last drove off to Canberra,
reach AIS about night time went for dinner and off to our beds=D
the second day was fine, having lots of boring lesson from the AIS speckers.
had some trainings with the AIS volleyball players to get warm up for the match later on with the Lyneham High School.
we won all the match plying with them.
day three was fun,
first had a lesson on strengh and conditioning, then went to the AIS gym for a work out to learn and watch how the Athlete train there.
next, to a lesson on nutrition, but i did't really understand the whole thingy.
at last, went shopping at the Canberra Centre and the Brand Depot.
can say i bought lots of staff.
the forth day was sad, leaving Australia in the afternoon.
checking out from AIS after breakfast.
a small tour in Canberra, had a so call picnic lunch outside a Museum.
then went in the Museum, and saw many staff left down from WW2. it was cool.
drove off to the Airport afer that. and saying byebye to Australia. haha=)
reach singapore at about 12pm, took cab with Mrs Lee and Daniel Choo back home.